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Pyware Customer Support wrote: Aug 31, 2016

Hi Bruce,

Your question was answered on the page you asked the question. Check the File: Add/Remove Drills In Production Page, as that's where the question and answer is located. I have copied the response here for your reference:

"Great question, Bruce.

There's intentionally no "Delete Drill" option in 3D. You'll want to go to your Documents/Pyware 3D/Drills folder and manually delete the extra files you no longer wish to keep."

I would also recommend contacting us via phone, email, or feedback form on our website, as all of the above are checked much more frequently than the comments on the user manual page. Hope this information helps!

Bruce Corrigan wrote: Aug 31, 2016

I haven't received an answer to my recent question. I have many "drills" that I have no use for ...for instance, We did a drill to Star Trek last year. If I have several 'drafts' that I know longer need...Star Trek 1.1, Star Trek 1.2, Star Trek 1.3.."Star Trek 2.1, Star Trek2.2, Star Trek 3.1.......HOW DO I DELETE THOSE SO I NEVER HAVE TO SEE THEM AGAIN?

Pyware Customer Support wrote: Jul 28, 2016


Not sure what you're referring to here. Please give us a call or email us so we could troubleshoot this together.


Christopher wrote: Jul 14, 2016

I am trying to add a text box, but every time I do, there is a drop/add command box inside the text box. Anyone know how to get rid of this so I can add text?