Multiple marching styles are available for you to choose from. By default, performers marching in the Real View will march with a bent knee style and jazz run when necessary. You can, however, specify for percussion to march with a crab step, or have the performers march with a traditional style high step.

March Style

To change the march style of performers, select the performer(s) and open the Visuals Editor tool. On the March Style & Pace tab, choose the style you want performed and press Apply Changes.


Performers can march single, double, or half time, based on your input.

To change the pace of a performer, select the performer(s) and open the Visuals Editor tool. On the March Style & Pace tab, choose the pace option you would like from the menu and select Apply Changes.

Once a pace has been applied for performers, they will continue marching at that pace until the pace has been adjusted again.


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