The Stride Analyzer watches for excess stride and graphs output in the Stride analysis window. The higher the output on the graph, the more performers are taking too large a step.

Selecting the option to Show Warning Sign on Performers at Risk in the Stride Analyzer window will display a visual warning symbol on the performer(s) at risk on counts where the stride might be too large. This will be displayed on your design grid.

3D has a predetermined set of default excessive strides. To change settings for what is deemed to be an excessive stride, select the Settings button in the Stride Analyzer window. When height is not entered for performers in the Cast List, defaults will be used.

Stride Settings opens a new window with a graph displaying maximum stride (Y axis) and average performer height (X axis).

The slider on the left side of the Y axis sets the maximum stride for your shortest performer.
The slider on the right side of the Y axis sets the maximum stride for your tallest performer.
The X axis slider adjust the average height for your band. This is used as the default when height is not specified for performers in the Cast List. The default stride is indicated on the graph by a red circle on the line displaying the maximum strides for the tallest and shortest performers.


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