The Stagger tool is an editing tool that allows peformers to both take off and arrive at independent times during the course of a transition.

The Stagger tool is a unique editing tool, in that you must have performers selected and a transition already written for the Stagger tool to be enabled on the Tool Palette.

Using the Stagger Tool

Once you have selected performers on the field whose transition you wish to stagger, open the Stagger tool. One performer will have a larger editing handle than the rest; this indicates the first performer to lead the transition. The leader of the transition can be changed by clicking on the new leader. Performers will follow suit based on grouping order.

Unlike other editing tools, clicking and dragging an editing handle will not adjust the form. These handles strictly define who is selected (as well as who is the leader of the transition).

In the Stagger tool control panel, specify if the performers will take a step off, drop off, or how long they should take to get from their current position to the new position.

Stagger Tool Control Panel Options

Step Off defines the duration each performer waits prior to stepping off after the performer before them begins their transition.

Drop Off defines the duration each performer waits prior to ending their transition after the performer before them arrives at their destination.

Duration defines the number of counts each performer will take in order to complete their transition.

Multi-segment mirrors the staggered transition when multiple groups are selected.

Compound Move combines two maneuvers, such as a float & stagger, in to one transition. If the Compound Move option is not selected, the Stagger tool will overwrite the existing transition with a straight line path staggered transition.

Reset to Hold resets the form to its shape at the Secondary count (yellow anchor) creating a hold.

Revert removes the stagger.


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