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Tips for custom fabric requests

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 10:32 am
by mark
Below are a few suggestions for submitting a request for a custom fabric. Following these tips greatly helps the designer when creating your fabric.

-Include pictures of your uniform.
A good picture shows both the front and back of the uniform. A great picture shows the front and back of the uniform from straight on. If there are intricate or asymmetrical designs on the uniform, they can be hard to properly align when looking at them from an angle.

-Don't forget the hat!
Pictures of your pit (front ensemble) members are quick and easy. Often times, however, they aren't wearing the gloves or headgear that the winds are wearing. If you only have a picture of a front ensemble member, be sure to specify what the hat looks like, and if possible, include a picture.

-Mockups are OK.
If you're changing uniforms this year, or if you drew up a prototype that you'd like to see, feel free to post it! Any visual elements you can provide the designers makes the creation process infinitely easier.

-Give details.
Does your uniform have more flare than a Shenanigans employee, but you only care about the main colors? Let us know! Not worrying about specific branding or finer details greatly increases the odds of receiving a finished product sooner than later. Remember: anyone (Pygraphics employee or otherwise) posting custom uniforms here is volunteering their time to do so.