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Window Update Problems

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 9:33 pm
by DerrickSCV87
There seem to be some window update problems when using the Online File manager in 3D Java.

I'm using 3D Java v3.1
Mac OS X (10.4.7)
MacBook 2.0 GHZ, 2 GB RAM

When logging on and uploading files etc. it seems that the app hangs until I resize the window. Then everything is as it should be. Also this happens with every screen change.

Another problem I've had is when uploading a (large?) file (2MB), the app stalled. While it was stuck the file manager window stayed in front and would not let other apps in frount of it. It would let me switch apps, but I had to drag the file manager window out of the way to get to the other apps.
I thought it was because it was a large file, but it took a really long time and I had to force quit to exit the program.
