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Pyware 3D Font

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 10:52 am
by cochenob
A little quirk I've just come across...

If I start a drill from scratch...using the Pyware 3D Font for my labels...write some pages...then save it...the next time I start up the program and open that file...the label font is different. Even if I go and switch to the Pyware font under document doesn't seem to register (i.e. instead of the dot...I get an "s"...which is the Pyware 3D key for a "dot"). Furthermore...when I go into Document Options...the fields where you change the labeling font is all goofy the boxes don't show up right...there's no text...ect.

However...if when I open up 3D for the first the blank startup file I go into Document Options and change to Pyware 3D Font...THEN open my desired seems to work. It's an easy fix...but just seems annoying to have to do each time I start up the program.

I'm running 4.2.12 on a Mac OS X 10.5.7. I just recently switched over from PC to it may be "operator error" in not being familiar with some (any?) of the subtleties in using Pyware on the Mac platform.

Any thoughts?



Re: Pyware 3D Font

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 9:57 am
by Pyware
This issue seems to have been created by the most current Java update issued by apple.

To correct this you will need to install the PYJAVA2.TTF in the /Library/fonts folder and delete it from the /Applications/Pyware 3D/lib/fonts folder. This would correct the issue.