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Prop tool

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 5:27 am
by Chas Myers
Can you make it possible to put props on diagonals rather than only square to the sideline. Many times we want flats, backdrops or tarps positioned at angles.

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 9:14 am
by Pyware
Curently the only to put a prop on a diagonal is to design it that way in your art program you are using to create the image.

I will put this option on our updates list.

Re: Prop tool

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 7:59 am
by Matthew Heard
I second that motion!! The Prop tool is WOEFULLY inadequate. To be able to accurately represent the prop's ACTUAL shape/position/footprint on the field would be a really great move in the right direction. Perhaps just a simple rotation tool like we already have in the tool there a way to leave that tool functional while the prop tool is being used or something like that?

It would also be nice to be able to attach and remove performers from a prop who move it as much as we need to in a production. I have to work around this limitation now by creating special "null" performers who I attach permanently to a prop that needs to move at some point...because the guard girl or drummer sure isn't going to be standing next to that prop for an entire production...they've got work to do!

I just give each prop one these "null" performers, attach them, make their symbol a small "*" and make it light grey so they kinda blend in and just leave them there permanently. And then I can still do what I need to do with the actual performer's symbol before and after they move the prop. The process by which we attach a performer to a prop is also tedious and time consuming, especiallly if you happen to have 35 boxes that each need to have their own "null" mover person...too many mouse clicks...back and forth...

Thanks for listening...this is like therapy for drill writers!

Re: Prop tool

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 8:47 am
by Pyware
This suggestion is on our update list.

Currently you can attach a gif file that is using transparency so you can create the prop in an image editor and then create the image on an angle and save the file with transparency and the image will show up in the prop editor at the angle you designed it at and you will not have any white space around it.