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Easy way to permanently swap a group of players

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 3:05 pm
by bjindrich
I've asked about this for years, so here's my official request: Add a way to swap/rematch a group of players, and have that reordering be permanently propagated across the pages - or at least have an option to have it propagated across the pages.

Here's how I write drill: move the sections from page to page to draft out the general flow. Then, I go back and start working out the detailed forms. As you can imagine, swapping/reordering is necessary. I just don't know what the exact forms & flow are when I initially lay out each page and as I finalize the drill, I have the need to tweak things, maybe to get a soloist to a specific dot, or to keep a section of players together.

Another example is transitioning a line or curve into a block form, and then out into a curve or line. I like to experiment, using the animation to see which players transitioning to which dots looks best.

For all the reasons above, I need to to be able to quickly and easily swap players and have an option to have those swaps be permanent across the drill. Please implement this. Then I can purchase Pyware!