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Loading "Global" Default Set - Real View

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 11:37 am
by George
Pyware currently has a very useful feature when inside the 3D Drill Document Options > Real View Perspective, whereas we can choose and set "Defaults" for the Performing Venue (Venue, Sky, Ground, Surface), and the Starting Visuals (Uniform style, Hold, Facing, etc.)

But something is missing. The ability to load a global default set or something similar.

I don't particularly use multiple Performing Venues or Starting Visuals. In fact, every drill of mine uses the exact same settings: High School stadium, my custom surface, night, standard marching, fixed angle, etc. But when opening an older drill or creating a new one, there's no way for me to load these defaults that I use for every drill and I have to always change everything over again. Hold style, venues, facing, time of day, etc. It seems to be a bit more work than it needs to be.

So - I'm wondering if there's a way we can add a feature where I can select all of these options that I want, click a "Save Global Default" and it will then save a package containing each of these features as a set that can be loaded into any file of my choosing. So, if I open a drill I wrote 4 years ago that uses no venue, a different surface, etc. and I wanted to load my new settings, I would like to be able to click on the "Load Global Defaults" button and it will snag that set and load in everything.

In addition, it would be nice that if I decide down the road to change my surface or modify my own logo placement and save it as this "Global Default" setting, this will then update any drill I have that uses this Global Default, so I won't have to update each and every individual drill. Does this make sense? (Uniforms are never an issue, as I know these are different for each band and it's not part of the default settings - so I'm not talking about saving uniform fabrics).

I think this could be very helpful to people like me, or people who might want to showcase their drill with a new company and have to update multiple drills on the fly. By creating a Global Default (or maybe having a few options: Settings A, B, C) it'll be much more efficient to edit multiple drill files without having to play with the finicky drop downs and digging through directories to find surface or ground files you want.... if they are custom and maybe not placed in a directory that is convenient. (I know to place in the surfaces folder, but it is to eliminate that process as well). It would also make it easier to share if you needed to.

My short-term resolution for this is creating a blank drill file with all of these defaults in place and just calling it "template.3dz" which I will use when starting a new show. I then Save As... whatever I need to name it. This is easy when starting from scratch, but not helpful when editing other files or needing to update them.

So, just a suggestion. It's been on my mind for a while. I didn't see anything here about this topic when skimming the forums, so hopefully this will prove to be a useful update suggestion that other designers might be interested in as well.


Re: Loading "Global" Default Set - Real View

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 2:56 pm
by Pyware

You can use the template function to create a template with all of the information that you want for creating a new drill.

For applying Real View information to an existing drill, you can load a grid that you have saved in the new version and this will load all Real View world settings in that drill, ie, surface, venue, sky, and ground. To create this grid if you have not already open a drill that has all of the settings that you want and then go to the Grid designer, then click save as and save that grid layout, there is an option at the bottom to include real view settings in that file. This will allow you to load that information on an existing file. This allows you to create multiple layouts with different settings.

For applying Real view instruments to an existing file you can go to the Cast List Editor in the Utilities menu and then click edit symbol map. Then you will be able to apply the symbol map to the performers to count 0 and this will assign the Real View instrumentation to the existing drill based on that symbol list.