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Related topics are listed below.

Add Performers to the Drill

FAQ » Add Performers to the Drill

Adding Performers to a New Drill When starting a new file, performers are added to a drill by any of the Drawing tools on the Tool Palette. Drawing tools on the Tool Palette are outlined below: To add performers with a Drawing tool, your primary and secondary (red…

Shift All Performers

Utilities » Shift All Performers

Shift All Performers is a function found in the Utilities menu that will adjust all performers in a certain direction (that you specify) for the entirety of the drill. This is helpful if the show was written too far from the front side line and needs to be adjusted…

Edit: Paste Performers

Menu Bar » Edit Menu » Edit: Paste Performers

This function pastes performers that have been stored in the clipboard with the Copy function. If nothing is stored in the clipboard the Paste function will be dim. Select Paste from the Edit menu and the following will display: Paste with the same matching…

Adding Performers to an Existing Drill

FAQ » Add Performers to the Drill » Adding Performers to an Existing Drill

Much like adding performers in a new drill, you can add performers to an existing drill by drawing the performers with any of the Drawing tools, while both anchors on your Count Track are together. If you need to add multiple people, such as the drum line or color…

Adding Performers via the Drill Rewrite

FAQ » Add Performers to the Drill » Adding Performers via the Drill Rewrite

Numbers change; it’s a fact of life when designing marching shows. It’s just about inevitable that there will be some sort of adaptation required from the time you designed (or contracted a designer) your drill and teaching the drill. When that time comes,…

Moving Props as Performers

Design Techniques » Moving Props as Performers

Utilities: Shift All Performers

Menu Bar » Utilities Menu » Utilities: Shift All Performers

Shift All Performers is a function found in the Utilities menu that will adjust all performers in a certain direction (that you specify) for the entirety of the drill. This is helpful if the show was written too far from the front side line and needs to be adjusted…

Field Display Window

Basic Concepts » Field Display Window

This is the main area where drill design is created. The Field Display Window would be the entire gridded design stage. The upper right corner of the Field Display Window contains display tools which control the way the drill is displayed on the field. Grid…

Login to the Pyware Portal

Pyware Web Portal » Portal User Quick Setup Guide » Login to the Pyware Portal

Once you have registered a Pyware Portal user you can then login to manage your portal account. 1) To login go to Pyware Portal Login. 2) Enter your Pyware Portal Credentials that you set up in the registration process. 3) Click Log in to go to your Pyware Portal…

Adding the Template to All Pages

FAQ » Apply Text Boxes to All Sets in a Drill » Adding the Template to All Pages

Once your Text Box Template has been created, applying the template to all pages is extremely quick. Text Box Templates are applied to all pages on count zero of a drill. If you add a template to any other count of the drill, you will not be prompted to apply the…

Create a Custom Fabric Using GIMP

FAQ » Create a Custom Fabric Using GIMP

The term “fabrics” in 3D could refer to multiple different things. Any textures in the Real View (including, but not limited to: uniforms, helms, flag silks, flag poles, drums, and skin color) are all considered fabrics for the sake of simplicity. This…

Upload a Drill to the Online File Manager

FAQ » Upload a Drill to the Online File Manager

The Online File Manager is a fantastic way to easily share drill files with any associates, clients, or students you may need to see the drill. Think of it as cloud storage with the ability to easily share these files with anyone that has either a license of 3D, a…

Recording Audio on Macintosh

FAQ » Create a Movie of Your Drill » Recording Audio on Macintosh

If you are creating a movie on a Macintosh with Screencast-O-Matic, you’ll need to install a Utility Application called SoundFlowerbed to capture audio with the video. Download SoundFlowerbed from and install the…

Recording Audio on Windows

FAQ » Create a Movie of Your Drill » Recording Audio on Windows

The free version of Screencast-O-Matic (which is what is launched by default when following these instructions) records audio from your microphone. If you have a standard auxiliary cable, you could plug the cable into both the headset (speaker) and microphone jacks on…

Load a Custom Fabric File in 3D

FAQ » Load a Custom Fabric File in 3D

*We have many custom uniforms designed and available for FREE as a direct download from our site. Please visit to view the available uniforms. Custom Uniforms are now assigned in the Visuals Editor Uniform and Equipment…

Activate Every Run on MacOS

FAQ » Activate Every Run on MacOS

If Pyware is prompting you to activate the software on every run, there is an issue with the license information being saved on your computer. This is most commonly created by having different users (in the operating system) with varying levels of permissions. To…

Activate Every Run on Windows

FAQ » Activate Every Run on Windows

If Pyware is prompting you to activate the software on every run, there is an issue with the license information being saved on your computer. This is most commonly created by having different users (in the operating system) with varying levels of permissions. To…

Turn Sketch Mode On/Off

Sketch Mode » Turn Sketch Mode On/Off

To enter and exit sketch mode you can click the sketch toggle in the upper right corner of the design window. This can also be set as a shortcut and can be found in the Display Menu.

Edit: Snap To

Menu Bar » Edit Menu » Edit: Snap To

This function snaps the selected performers to the nearest whole, half or quarter step. Choosing Snap To from the Edit menu will display the Snap to dialog where you can choose the snap resolution.

Edit: Adjust To

Menu Bar » Edit Menu » Edit: Adjust To

The Adjuster editing tool is used for quickly moving and/or adjusting performer’s locations and transitions without having to first select the individual performers.

Creating the Template

FAQ » Apply Text Boxes to All Sets in a Drill » Creating the Template

Once your Production Sheet has information to display in a text box, creating the text box and saving it as a template is quite simple. To begin, open the Text tool on count 0 of the drill. Create the text box shape and size by clicking twice on the field, once…

View Drills on a Mobile Device

FAQ » View Drills on a Mobile Device

Download on the App Store Get it on Google Play The following is a step by step guide on how to view a drill on your iOS device. If you need to upload a drill to share, start with step 1. If you were provided a QR Code for a drill, skip to step 6. 1. Save As…

Download Pyware on a new computer

Pyware Web Portal » Accounts » Download Pyware on a new computer

To download the Pyware software from the portal you need to be logged into the Pyware Portal Dashboard and be an Administrator or Authorized user to a Pyware License account. 1) Expand the Accounts section in the Navigation Panel on the left. 2) Expand the desired…

Sync Music to Drill

Design Techniques » Sync Music to Drill

Syncing your music to a drill file is a great way to both visually and audibly preview the drill before hitting the field. You can synchronize an audio file at any point of your design process; whether it be the first or last thing you do to the drill. Some prefer to…

File: Revert to Saved

Menu Bar » File Menu » File: Revert to Saved

The Revert to Saved will roll back your file to the last saved copy of your file. Any changes you had made since the last save would not be kept.

Snap To Editing Tool

Selection, Adjustment, Regrouping Tools » Snap To Editing Tool

This function snaps the selected performers to the nearest whole, half or quarter step. Choosing Snap To from the Edit menu will display the Snap To dialog where you can choose the snap to resolution. At least one performer must be selected to use this…

Select Paths to Edit

FAQ » Create a Custom Fabric Using GIMP » Select Paths to Edit

In its simplest form, creating a custom uniform is much like coloring between the lines. In GIMP, the lines we set as the boundaries for color are called Paths. If you open the Paths panel, you’ll see various paths with uniform part names. The Paths panel is…

Add User to Group

Pyware Web Portal » Groups » Add User to Group

To add a user to a group you need to be logged into the Pyware Portal Dashboard and be an Administrator or Authorized user to the Pyware License account that the group is assigned to. 1) Expand the Groups section in the Navigation Panel on the left. 2) Click the…

Upload File to Group

Pyware Web Portal » Groups » Upload File to Group

To add a user to a group you need to be logged into the Pyware Portal Dashboard and be an Administrator or Authorized user to the Pyware License account that the group is assigned to or be a Band Director Role for the Group. Compatible File…

Follow the Leader Tool

Editing & Maneuvering Tools » Follow the Leader Tool

The Follow the Leader (FTL) tool is used to create a new shape resulting from the paths taken by all positions of the selected shape. The path is determined by the leader of the shape. To establish the counts where the FTL transition is to begin and end in the drill,…

Open the Template File

FAQ » Create a Custom Fabric Using GIMP » Open the Template File

We provide you with a template file that you can edit in GIMP to get your desired custom uniform. The template file can be found at the following location: Documents\Pyware 3D\Fabric\Templates\7.1 Uniform Template (gimp).xcf Open the template file. This will launch…

Log In to Pyware Portal

Basic Concepts » Log In to Pyware Portal

When opening Pyware 3D the login prompt will display after accepting the license agreement. The login prompt asks for the Pyware Portal Login Credentials that were setup when registering on the Pyware Portal website. Select License shows the list of licenses…

Convert Audio Files to OGG Format

FAQ » Convert Audio Files to OGG Format

Although permissible audio file types include MIDI and WAV, we recommend using OGG audio files to sync to your drill. OGG files tend to be the smallest size with the highest quality. If you have been provided a file format that isn’t OGG, it’s extremely…

Add User to Pyware License Account

Pyware Web Portal » Accounts » Add User to Pyware License Account

To add an Administrator or Authorized user to a Pyware License account you need to be logged into the Pyware Portal Dashboard. 1) Expand the Accounts section in the Navigation Panel on the left. 2) Expand the desired account to add the new user to. 3) Click Manage. 4)…

Post an Announcement to a Group

Pyware Web Portal » Groups » Post an Announcement to a Group

To add a user to a group you need to be logged into the Pyware Portal Dashboard and be an Administrator or Authorized user to the Pyware License account that the group is assigned toor be a Band Director Role for the Group. 1) Expand the Groups section in the…

Enter Information in the Production Sheet

FAQ » Apply Text Boxes to All Sets in a Drill » Enter Information in the Production Sheet

Text Box Templates take your hand-picked information from the Production Sheet to be displayed in text boxes. Because of this, the Production Sheet must have, at the very least, the information you wish to display in the text box. Much of this information is input…

Real View Asset Store

Interactive Features » Real View Asset Store

The Real View Asset Store has been introduced to provide access to custom props that can be purchased as a service from the Real View Store. To access the Asset Store select “Real View Asseet Store” from the Interactive menu. The asset store window will…

Add a License Key to a Portal User

Pyware Web Portal » Portal User Quick Setup Guide » Add a License Key to a Portal User

To redeem a Pyware 3D License Account Key you will need to login to your Pyware Portal Dashboard. 1. Click on Accounts in the left navigation menu. This will expand the list of accounts available to your portal user. 2. Click Add Key under Accounts and you will…

Apply Text Boxes to All Sets in a Drill

FAQ » Apply Text Boxes to All Sets in a Drill

While text boxes can be incredibly helpful as they can contain pertinent instructions, adding that instruction on every page can be very time consuming. 3D has the ability to drastically reduce the time it takes to add text instruction on every page by using Text Box…

Uniform & Equipment

Visuals Editor » Uniform & Equipment

Uniform Style With the Visuals Editor, you have multiple uniform “styles” to select from. Any performer at any point during a drill can wear any of the uniforms available. This means that you could have a traditional uniform for the winds and…

File: Document Options

Menu Bar » File Menu » File: Document Options

Document Options contains many features to change the properties and preferences of a particular file. For example, you can change a file’s symbol fonts, file locking properties, copyright information, and drill title. To display the Document Options, select…

Performer Prop

Visuals Editor » Performer Prop

The Performer Prop tab allows you to assign props to performers on the field. This means that you can enter and maneuver props just like you would performers. To assign a performer as a prop, add performers to the field using any of the Drawing tools. Select the…

Editing & Maneuvering Tools

Editing & Maneuvering Tools

The tools in this section are called Editing & Maneuvering tools. these tools are used to reshape existing shapes displayed at the count indicated by the Red Anchor of the Count Track. However, the power of these tools go much further than just editing a single count.…

Utilities (Visuals Editor)

Visuals Editor » Utilities (Visuals Editor)

The Utilities tab contains quick links for different tools in the program that are frequently used in conjunction with the Real View perspective. Fabric/Visual Options opens the drill file’s Document Options so you may specify which fabrics to use for the…


Visuals Editor » Visuals

Performer visuals can be broken down into categories, depending on the body orientation and equipment assigned. You can define upper and lower body visuals, poses and maneuvers. Upper Body Upper Body visuals are dependent on the selected performer’s assigned…

Drawing Tools

Drawing Tools

Drawing tools in 3D can be used two ways: to add new performers to the file for the “First Time”, or create a shape that is the destination, or “Transition”, for existing performers. First Time When the Red and Yellow Anchors of the Count…

Point Tool

Drawing Tools » Point Tool

The Point tool is used to add performers one at a time. For NEW performers, set the Red and Yellow Anchors on the Count Track to the count at which you wish the point(s) to be entered. To transition EXISTING performers into the point(s), move the Red Anchor to the…

Pointer Selection Tool

Selection, Adjustment, Regrouping Tools » Pointer Selection Tool

The Pointer Selection tool is the basic tool for selecting shapes. This tool is used to quickly select all of the performers of a shape. The Pointer Selection tool only selects whole shapes. In other words, when you use the Pointer Selection tool you will get ALL of…

Display Menu

Menu Bar » Display Menu

The Display menu contains functions which control the way the counts of drill appear on the field. Many of which are also shown as buttons on the title bar of the Field Display window and the Console. These are some of the most used display related tools. They are…

Line Tool

Drawing Tools » Line Tool

The Line tool is used to create a line of performers between two points. For NEW performers, set the Red and Yellow Anchors on the Count Track to the count at which you wish the line to be drawn. To transition EXISTING performers into a line, move the Red Anchor to…

Block Tool

Drawing Tools » Block Tool

The Block tool quickly creates block and rhombus shapes from user defined lines. To open the Block tool, select the tool from the Tool Palette. This will open the Block Tool Control Panel. For NEW performers, set the Red and Yellow Anchors on the Count Track to the…

Printing a Cast Sheet

Printing » Printing a Cast Sheet

Whether you have a large band or a small band the cast sheet is a very useful tool. The cast sheet will display and print all symbols, labels, and names of the performers in the drill. When you select Print Cast Sheet from the File the Cast List Editor will…

Box Selection Tool

Selection, Adjustment, Regrouping Tools » Box Selection Tool

The Box Selection tool is used to select a group of performers by dragging a selection box around the performers. Unlike the Pointer Selection tool where whole shapes are selected, the Box Selection tool is capable of selecting portions of a shape. When using the Box…

Edit: Delete

Menu Bar » Edit Menu » Edit: Delete

Both performers and transitions can be “deleted” from a drill. Highlight performers on the field, then go to the Edit menu and choose Delete. A Delete Options will appear, where you will have two choices: Delete Transition resets the transition between…

Lasso Selection Tool

Selection, Adjustment, Regrouping Tools » Lasso Selection Tool

The Lasso Selection tool is used to select a group of performers by drawing a line around the performers. Unlike the Pointer Selection tool, the Lasso Selection tool is capable of selecting portions of a shape. When using the Lasso Selection tool all of the performers…

Real View

Real View

The 3D Real View is one of the most powerful tools in 3D. Within the Real View, you are able to visualize your drills with fluid marching animations and true 3D performers. Customize the performer’s uniforms and instrumentation to see your work in a performance…

File: Application Options

Menu Bar » File Menu » File: Application Options

Application Options is used to change the preferences of the 3D application. These include, but are not limited to: secondary and new symbol display size/color, count track settings, tool palette setup, and installation information. Ease of Access Ease of Access…

Polygon Tool

Drawing Tools » Polygon Tool

The Polygon tool is used to create outlined polygon shapes. For NEW performers, set the Red and Yellow Anchors on the Count Track to the count at which you wish the polygon to be drawn. To transition EXISTING performers into a polygon, move the Red Anchor to the count…


Visuals Editor » Facing

The Facing tab controls which way performers face in a drill. The facing of performers can be changed at any count in the drill. Default Facing in a File To change the default facing for one file, open the drill file. Go to the File menu and choose Document Options.…

Arc Tool

Drawing Tools » Arc Tool

The Arc tool creates an arc shape. For NEW performers, set the Red and Yellow Anchors on the Count Track to the count at which you wish the arc to be drawn. To transition EXISTING performers into an arc, move the Red Anchor to the count where the selected performers…

Free Form Tool

Drawing Tools » Free Form Tool

The Free Form tool allows you to draw freely without the restriction of a certain shape. This tool would be most similar to a paintbrush/pencil/pen tool of graphic design applications. For NEW performers, set the Red and Yellow Anchors on the Count Track to the count…

Filled Shape Tool

Drawing Tools » Filled Shape Tool

The Filled Shape tool creates filled shapes. These shapes can have any number of sides. Typically, the Filled Shape tool is used to fill rectangles and triangles. For NEW performers, set the Red and Yellow Anchors on the Count Track to the count at which you wish the…

File: Save As Template

Menu Bar » File Menu » File: Save As Template

Save As template will save a drill file as template file. Template files are helpful for those of you that frequently design with grids and layouts setup in a particular way. The Include Performers option will save any performers on the field, when selected. *Before…

Circle Tool

Drawing Tools » Circle Tool

The Circle tool is used to draw circles of various sizes. For NEW performers, set the Red and Yellow Anchors on the Count Track to the count at which you wish the circle to be drawn. To transition EXISTING performers into a circle, move the Red Anchor to the count…

Line Tool (Take 2)

3D Tutorial » Line Tool (Take 2)

Click on the Line tool to open the tool if it is not already open. A Line Tool Control Panel will appear. Click on the padlock assigned to Restrict Horz/Vert option in order to restrict the line to either horizontal, vertical, or 45 degree alignment. If not already…

Curve Tool

Drawing Tools » Curve Tool

The Curve tool is used to create curvilinear shapes, both symmetrical and asymmetrical. For NEW performers, set the Red and Yellow Anchors on the Count Track to the count at which you wish the curve to be drawn. To transition EXISTING performers into a curve, move the…

Counter March Tool

Plug-ins » Traditional Tools » Counter March Tool

The Counter March Tool aids in easily creating counter march transitions. Since this tool is an Editing tool, performers must be selected, and your Yellow and Red Anchors on the Count Track must be spread for a transition. Click on the Counter March Tool on the Tool…

Printing Coordinates

Printing » Printing Coordinates

Coordinates for any count of a drill can be printed, however you’ll typically only want to print coordinates for set points in the drill. 3D uses page tabs on the Count Track to determine the sets in a drill. Prior to printing, you may want to add or remove…

Modifiers and Specialty Keystroke List

FAQ » Modifiers and Specialty Keystroke List

Below is a list of special keystroke commands that are available in 3D. Right Click Functionality Default Tool – Right click on the design grid to select the Default tool. At the time of installation, the Pointer Selection tool is set as the Default tool. Set…

Create a New Uniform Layer

FAQ » Create a Custom Fabric Using GIMP » Create a New Uniform Layer

The Layers Panel In the Layers panel, you will find multiple options, or layers (as they are called by GIMP) available. Think of a layer as a piece of an image. If the image was laid horizontally, you could theoretically stack things on top of the image. Each thing…

Bezier Curve Tool

Drawing Tools » Bezier Curve Tool

The Bezier Curve tool will create a bezier curve. Think of the Bezier Curve tool as a more sophisticated Curve tool, with more control over curvature, especially at endpoints. For NEW performers, set the Red and Yellow Anchors on the Count Track to the count at which…

Spiral Tool

Plug-ins » Spiral Tool

The Spiral tool is a plug-in that allows a designer to easily create a fluid spiral shape. The Spiral tool can create spirals of any numbers of loops. For NEW performers, set the Red and Yellow Anchors on the Count Track to the count at which you wish the spiral to be…

Utilities: Cast List Editor

Menu Bar » Utilities Menu » Utilities: Cast List Editor

The Cast List Editor is found in the Utilities menu. The Cast List Editor is an editor for creating a customized cast list or importing the cast list from an existing drill file. In the Cast List Editor you’ll also find the Symbol Map Editor, where you can…

Facing Tool

Selection, Adjustment, Regrouping Tools » Facing Tool

*The Facing Tool is only available if the Real View is disabled, or any version prior to version 6. See the Visuals Editor for information on how to change performer facing if the Real View window is enabled. The Facing tool enables you to change the performer’s…

Utilities: Fabric Editor

Menu Bar » Utilities Menu » Utilities: Fabric Editor

The Fabric Editor allows you to customize fabrics (included, but not limited to: model skin tone, uniforms, equipment, flag silks, and drum shells) for use in the 3D Real View. When the Fabric Editor is opened, a new window will appear: If fabrics were included with…

Stagger Tool

Editing & Maneuvering Tools » Stagger Tool

The Stagger tool is an editing tool that allows peformers to both take off and arrive at independent times during the course of a transition. The Stagger tool is a unique editing tool, in that you must have performers selected and a transition already written for…

Glue Regrouping Tool

Selection, Adjustment, Regrouping Tools » Glue Regrouping Tool

The Glue Regrouping tool is used for combining two or more shapes into single shapes. For example, imagine three lines floating into a curve. To make the editing easier, we would first want to glue the three lines into a single shape using a Glue tool. After gluing, we…

Knife Regrouping Tool

Selection, Adjustment, Regrouping Tools » Knife Regrouping Tool

The Knife Regrouping tool is used for cutting a shape into smaller pieces. For example, imagine an arc splitting into thirds and each third floating into one of three separate lines. To make the editing easier, we would first want to split the arc into three parts…

Profile Selection Tool

Selection, Adjustment, Regrouping Tools » Profile Selection Tool

The Select by Profile tool is for selecting performers by Color, Label, Symbol, or Name. This tool is used to quickly select groups of performers with similar characteristics. To select the Profile Selection tool, click on the Profile Selection tool on the Tool…

Matching Forms

Design Techniques » Matching Forms

When drawing tools are used to create transitions of existing performers, you will need to identify (match) the new places made by the drawing tool with a selection of existing performers in the drill. This process is automatic in 3D and is shown by the matching lines…

Resize Tool

Editing & Maneuvering Tools » Resize Tool

The Resize tool is a multipurpose tool for changing the size of a selected group of performers. The selection can be resized any of the following ways: Scale changes the size of the selection in equal amounts vertically and horizontally. Stretch changes the size of…

Morph Tool

Editing & Maneuvering Tools » Morph Tool

The Morph tool is used to change the form of a selected shape. The transition creates a straight line path from the original shape to the morphed shape. This is the most widely used tool because it is so versatile. To establish the counts where the morphing transition…

Command Editor

Utilities » Command Editor

The Command Editor is a utility that allows editing of instructions (commands) for transitional maneuvers. This is particularly useful if you are teaching a military or show-style ensemble, or if you need a printed reference of visuals cues for performers. These…

Symbol Map Editor

Utilities » Symbol Map Editor

The Symbol Map Editor is a huge time saver in 3D. With this tool, you can save a set of default values (such as uniforms and instrumentation) for symbols you frequently use when designing, then apply these values with the click of a button. The Keypress column shows…

Drawing Arcs

3D Tutorial » Drawing Arcs

The next shape we’ll design will be a simple arc of 30 positions. Both endpoints of the arc will connect to the outside endpoints of the two lines. Click on the Arc tool in the Tool Palette. An Arc Tool Control Panel will appear. In the Control Panel, enter…

Sketch Mode

Sketch Mode

In version 10 we have introduced sketch mode. This modes allows you to create sketched shape paths using your drawing tools. These shapes appear only on the count that you created them on. You can apply any number of performers to these sketched forms at any time. The…

Traditional Tool

Plug-ins » Traditional Tools » Traditional Tool

The Traditional Tool aids in creating multiple maneuvers and combining them over the course of a single transition. Since this tool is an Editing tool, performers must be selected, and your Yellow and Red Anchors on the Count Track must be spread for a transition.…

Rotate Tool

Editing & Maneuvering Tools » Rotate Tool

The Rotate tool is used to “gate” a selected shape around a point along curved paths. To establish the counts where the rotate transition is to begin and end in the drill, set the Red Anchor on the Count Track to the count where the rotation is to end.…

Edit: Swap Two Positions

Menu Bar » Edit Menu » Edit: Swap Two Positions

Swap Two Positions is a way to quickly switch the spots of two performers in a drill. When two performers are selected, you can go to the Edit menu and choose Swap Two Positions. The Swap Two Positions window will appear with the following options: From this count…

Dot Font

FAQ » Dot Font

Dots for symbols are a great way to create beautiful, yet accurate drill charts. Since dots are symmetrical, many designers prefer to use a dot as a performer symbol as opposed to a standard letter based system. In order to use dots as the performer’s symbols,…

Performer Labeling Tool

Performer Labeling & Special Markings » Performer Labeling Tool

The Performer Labeling tool is used to change a performer’s identifying attributes. A performer’s attributes consist of the performer label (usually a number), label placement at a count, symbol and color used at a count, and performer name. Some performer…

Adjuster Tool

Selection, Adjustment, Regrouping Tools » Adjuster Tool

The Adjuster editing tool is used for quickly moving and/or adjusting performers in shapes and transitions without having to first select the performers. Using the Adjuster Tool On the Count Track, move the Red Anchor to the count of drill where the change of path…

Push Tool

Editing & Maneuvering Tools » Push Tool

The Push tool is used to relocate a selected shape in a straight line path from one point of the field to another without changing the form of the shape. To establish the counts where the push transition is to begin and end in the drill, set the Red Anchor on the…

Prop Tool

Performer Labeling & Special Markings » Prop Tool

A Prop is an image of an inanimate object such as a stage, wall, pillar, fence, etc. Any .jpg, .gif, or .png file can be used as the prop. All props are entered at count 0 of the drill. Props can be move around the field independently or be moved by a…

Direction Change Analyzer

Virtual Clinic » Direction Change Analyzer

The Direction Change Analyzer watches for difficult direction changes for performers in a drill. Selecting the option to Show Warning Sign on Performers At Risk in the Direction Change Analyzer window will display a visual warning symbol on the performer(s) at risk…

Stride Analyzer

Virtual Clinic » Stride Analyzer

The Stride Analyzer watches for excess stride and graphs output in the Stride analysis window. The higher the output on the graph, the more performers are taking too large a step. Selecting the option to Show Warning Sign on Performers at Risk in the Stride Analyzer…

Track Tool

Editing & Maneuvering Tools » Track Tool

The Track tool moves a group of performers uniformly along a path. Unlike the Follow the Leader tool, the shape of the selection does not change. The entire shape follows the path at the same time as one entity. This is especially useful for pulling a single performer…

March Style & Pace

Visuals Editor » March Style & Pace

Multiple marching styles are available for you to choose from. By default, performers marching in the Real View will march with a bent knee style and jazz run when necessary. You can, however, specify for percussion to march with a crab step, or have the performers…

Matching Positions

3D Tutorial » Matching Positions

Currently displayed are gray matching “crisscrossing” lines, connecting some of the performers of the preexisting arcs to the places in the newly designed curves. The matching lines indicate which performers in the preexisting arcs will move into the places…

Virtual Clinic

Virtual Clinic

The Virtual Clinic analyzes your drill files both upon opening of a drill, as well as during design. Watching for collisions, excessive strides, large jumps in animation and difficult direction changes, the Virtual Clinic runs in the background and does not require the…