Register - Pyware Register - Pyware


This form contains the necessary information we need to register your product and set up your account. If this form is not received, your account may not be set up properly and may result in the deactivation of your software. Product authorization is typically available within one business day of registering your product. In most cases your account will be set up within the same business day in which you activate and register your software.

Please see bottom of page for instructions on finding the computer ID

This helps identify the computer should you need a new activation code for another installation. For example: Mark’s MS, Laptop. License Owner Name (required)

School name if purchased by school

* = Required Information

The computer ID is found on the first run of the 3D software when you are prompted to activate.

Click on the option "I would like to activate my program by phone or email."

Press next and your Computer ID will be flashing.
