This menu contains all of the Interactive functions that use the 3D Online Account Service as well as Pyware messages and web sites.
Online File Manager
The online file manager is a utility that uploads and manages drill files on the online account.
Online User File Access & Passwords
This is a utility that allows the administrator to create additional users and modify passwords that access the online account.
Unlock This Drill
This is a utility that will allow a user to unlock a locked drill using a key that has been given to them by the creator of the drill.
Drill Lock Decoder
This is a utility that allows you to create keys to unlock files that have been locked by the creator so that the master password does not have to be released.
Check For Messages…
The Pyware Message Board is an automated information system that checks with Pygraphics Headquarters for any important notices such as updates that are currently available for you to download.
3D will check Pygraphics Headquarters for any new updates or important notices that you might be interested in and display the list of messages in the Subject box. If you want to read a message, click on the message listed in the Subject box and it will display.
Pyware Website
Launches your default browser to the Pyware website.
Frequently Asked Questions
Launches your default browser to the page of Frequently Asked Questions on the Pyware website.
De authorize This Computer
This function allows the computer 3D is installed on to be de authorized so that another machine may be authorized on the account.
Get Plug-ins & Accessories
This function allows you to instantly purchase plug-ins and program updates and upgrades online.
Instantly Upgrade My 3D Now
This function will allow you to instantly purchase an update or upgrade available for your installed version.
Contact Pygraphics
This will launch the Pyware website with contact information in your default web browser.
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