The Virtual Clinic analyzes your drill files both upon opening of a drill, as well as during design. Watching for collisions, excessive strides, large jumps in animation and difficult direction changes, the Virtual Clinic runs in the background and does not require the Analyzer windows to be open while designing.
Virtual Clinic Analyzers are windows with graphs displaying the number of performers at risk (Y axis) over time (X axis). The higher the output on the Y axis, the larger number of performers are at risk, determined by the respective Analyzer.
When the option Show Warning Sign on Performers at Risk is selected in a Virtual Clinic Analyzer window, performers deemed “at risk” will have a warning symbol during their “at risk” counts on your design grid.
To view the problematic transition, select a range of counts by clicking (or click and drag for multiple transitions) in the clinic window. Select the Play button that appears in the clinic window when a transition/range of transitions is selected. This will play a looped animation for the range of counts you have selected.
To open a Virtual Clinic window, go to the Clinic menu and select which Analyzer you would like to be displayed. To close a clinic window, uncheck the option under the Clinic menu, or click the close button on the clinic window.
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