Welcome to Pyware 3D – the complete drill designing tool. We at Pygraphics, Inc. wish to express our gratitude to you who have supported our products and company by allowing us to serve your software needs for more than three decades. Our hope is that this program will become an invaluable tool in your drill designing efforts.

This is the home page of the Pyware 3D User Guide. All pages in the User Guide have a navigation bar on the left of the screen. Select the topic you would like to review by choosing its corresponding button on the navigation bar. You can also search for topics, key words or phrases in the search box above. The entire contents of this guide can be downloaded as a PDF so you may print a physical copy. Download the PDF from the link just below the topics on the left side of your screen.

Adjusting to the many innovative concepts of 3D will take a minimum amount of time, however, we do urge that you work through the Tutorial in order to better understand the concepts behind 3D.
Pyware™ 3D was inspired by video animators and a “wish list” of input from “end users”. You will begin to create, evaluate, and instruct drill never thought possible. In short…you’ll soon be wondering how you got along without it.

We also have a video version of this User Guide – Pyware University Video User Guide
We offer Night School Zoom Session for learning how to use Pyware 3D – Sign up for Pyware Night School
How to Videos and Past Night School sessions are available on the Pyware YouTube Channel


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